FAQ Nutrition Response Testing
Weber Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing Answers Common Questions
Introduction to Nutrition Response Testing
Welcome to the leading edge technology in “health” care today. If you have wondered why you have tried and failed to restore your health, you are about to find the ‘missing piece’ to the puzzle. Read on and find what you have been looking for in restorative and preventative healthcare.
Nutrition Response Testing is an empirically based technology that is systematic, duplicatable and most important, predictably effective.
In Profiles of the Future by Arthur C. Clarke, his third law, an inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, stated, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from MAGIC”.
For those of you who don’t know who Arthur C. Clarke is, he is an inventor and prolific science fiction writer who conceived the idea of putting satellites into a stationary orbit around the earth making them ideal telecommunications relays. Because of his vision, you enjoy cell phone communication and GPS tracking today. In addition, he was nominated for a motion picture academy award for writing and collaborating with the director, Stanley Kubrick, of “2001: A Space Odyssey”.
The point is that technology and those that ponder, postulate and propose it can appear to many as either a dreamer or a visionary, a science fiction writer or a scientist. Ultimately, it is whether the technology can be demonstrated, duplicated and found predictably effective. If this is so, the person and the technology will be hailed as a visionary. If not, than they and it will be branded as folly.
Science comes from the latin word, scire, which is “to know”. We commonly understand science to mean knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method.
The scientific method as conceived of by Francis Bacon, an English philosopher in the 17th century, was the methodical observation of facts as a means of studying and interpreting natural phenomenon. His method was a reformulation and his reaction to the ‘all to fanciful’ guessing and to the mere citing of existing authorities of the time. Bacon’s method is commonly referred to as the “empirical method”. Empirical means originating in or based upon observation or experience.
Because Bacon’s method was a reaction to the system in place at the time, it was criticized for disregarding the theory and systems in place. Think where we would be today, if people did not challenge the theories and systems in place. After all, progress is best exemplified by the fact that theories and systems are leapfrogged based on subsequent discoveries. These discoveries are often based on empirical observation.
Nutrition Response Testing is such an empirically based technology that is systematic, duplicatable and most important, predictably effective. Welcome to the leading edge technology in “health” care today.
What is Nutrition Response Testing?
Nutrition Response Testing is a technology that reveals the “missing piece,” the key to solving your health concern. By accessing the autonomic nervous system (ANS), critical information about your bodily functions is discovered. Autonomic means “occurring involuntarily.” Bodily functions like eye blinking, heart and breathing rates, digestive metabolism, immune response, hormone regulation, and so forth are regulated by the ANS.
There are two controls to the ANS: sympathetic and parasympathetic. Think of them as our body’s accelerator and brake — our “go” pedal and “whoa” pedal! When our bodies are healthy and in balance, these systems function properly and in tune with one another — the sympathetic dominates when we are active, the parasympathetic when we are resting. These regulators are responsible for healthy function including our ability to heal . It is when there is an imbalance that we experience symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, allergies, acid reflux, high blood pressure, chronic pain, immune deficiencies, headaches, migraines and the like. Think of these symptoms as “check engine lights” or “alarm bells.” These imbalances can be corrected safely, naturally, and effectively by accessing the ANS using Nutrition Response Testing.
The technique is PAINLESS, POWERFUL and PERSONALIZED. A practitioner uses his/her hand, pressing lightly on a patient’s acupuncture points, reflex locations, or body organs while simultaneously checking a strong muscle group. In this way (1) we identify the stressors adversely affecting your organs or glands, (2) we identify their priority, and (3) we determine the corresponding tools to correct your imbalance(s).
We then pinpoint the correct whole-food supplements and/or herbs for your body and recommend needed dietary and lifestyle changes. The result is a personalized health improvement program that addresses your own body’s imbalances and corrects its operation. Our goals are the same as yours: achieving good health and feeling good again — safely, naturally, and effectively. By following your personalized Nutrition Response Testing program, you will experience and sustain better health. It’s that simple!
What is the Autonomic Nervous System?
Autonomic means “occurring involuntarily.” Bodily functions like eye blinking, heart and breathing rates, digestive metabolism, immune response, hormone regulation, and so forth are regulated by the ANS. There are two controls to the ANS: sympathetic and parasympathetic. Think of them as our body’s accelerator and brake~ our go pedal and whoa pedal! When our bodies are healthy and in balance, these systems function properly and in tune with one another — the sympathetic dominates when we are active, the parasympathetic when we are resting. These regulators are responsible for healthy function including our ability to heal. It is when there is an imbalance that we experience symptoms such as allergies, acid reflux, high blood pressure, chronic pain, headaches and the like. Think of these symptoms as “check engine lights” or “alarm bells”. These imbalances can be corrected safely, naturally, and effectively by accessing the ANS.
How do we access the Autonomic Nervous System?
We use Applied Kinesiology, commonly known as muscle testing. The technique is PAINLESS , POWERFUL and PERSONALIZED . It involves using the practioner’s hand, lightly pressing on different acupuncture points or reflex locations on the body while simultaneously checking a strong muscle group. This controversial but highly effective method of evaluation gives the practitioner essential information about what your body says it’s requirements for a return to health are. Book learning and clinical experience, which is the sum total of theoretical and educated knowledge can clearly help us get close to what may be required to pinpoint the solution for your health concern. But what separates Nutrition Response Testing from most other treatment strategies is the critical information obtained from the body itself or as we say~accessing it’s innate intelligence in order to find the precise answer to your health concern.
Where did it originate?
Nutrition Response Testing, was developed by Freddie Ulan, D.C., N.D., C.C.N., and Lester Bryman, D.C. It is based on decades of successful clinical outcomes helping sick people restore their health naturally—without drugs, without surgery, non-invasively, and often relatively rapidly. It combines knowledge of acupuncture, the oriental medical system, with the breakthroughs of applied and clinical kinesiology developed by George Goodheart, D.C., and Alan Beardall, D.C. Nutrition Response Testing utilizes the most workable advancements and refinements in the field, including that of two notable medical researchers, Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D., and Yoshiaki Omura, M.D. In this system we do not “diagnose” or “treat” diseases. Instead we use revolutionary tools along with traditional diagnostic procedures that allow the trained practitioner to obtain a highly dependable assessment of a patient’s current health status. This assessment combined with an understanding of anatomy, physiology, neurology, kinesiology, and biochemistry allows us to actually correct the underlying causes of disease rather than simply suppress its symptoms.
What are we testing for?
Through our analysis, we are testing your body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the body’s way of telling us what and how your nervous systems is doing – as it is the nervous system’s responsibility to regulate the body’s functions for each and every organ. The testing includes organs, glands, joints, muscles, etc.
These reflexes are tested on the surface of the body and then the findings are analyzed.
How do we get the body’s ‘reflex’ information?
Energy flows exist between all parts and organs of the body. These flows can become disrupted for a variety of reasons. This disruption is easily discovered with our testing.
As a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner, we will do a full body scan to properly assess each of your reflexes.
The practitioner will do the analysis by contacting your extended arm with one hand, and contact the specific reflex area with the other hand. If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm (which will weaken and cause it to drop). A drop in the arm indicates underlying stress or dysfunction in that area which can be affecting your health.
Once the underlying stress is corrected, this weak muscle response will no longer occur.
Since we directly use the body for analysis, (versus doing lab tests) it is faster and tends to be just as (if not more) accurate. There are also no huge expensive machines, no drugs, surgery, nasty needles or laboratory fees to cover.
Following your consultation you will be given the results in a way that you can understand, with a specific nutritional program to follow.
How soon will I see improvement?
Although every case is different, we often hear enthusiastic reports from patients in as little as 4-6 weeks. The fastest recoveries are often from those have most closely adhered to their recommended nutritional program.
Is it important to stick to the plan?
Generally chronic health problems do not suddenly develop overnight. They develop over a long period of time (often years) with improper diet (which cause nutritional deficiencies and imbalances) and environmental influences. All of which have gotten you into your current health condition.
Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you implement your program, the sooner you will start to see results. While on your program, if you continue those same old habits and routines that contributed to your current condition, your body’s condition may not improve as you hope. Total commitment to your program is strongly urged.
What are my chances for recovery?
Our long-term experience in a wide variety of cases tells us the first thing we must determine is whether or not you are a “Nutrition response Testing Case.” If someone is NOT a “Nutrition response Testing Case” then it is unlikely that Nutrition Response testing will ever help you. However, if you ARE a “Nutrition response Testing Case”, then in our experiences, it is our belief that nothing else will help you as much.
What happens next?
While you are on your own designed clinical nutrition program, you will continue on your health recovery process. We will continue to monitor your progress and adjust your program as needed when additional layers show up.
This procedure will assist you in attaining the maximum possible health benefits and get real underlying health issues handled.
Does the above describe your situation? Then you’ve come to the right place. Your chances of recovery have never been higher!
Who can benefit from our Nutritional Healing Program?
Men, Women, Children! Anyone who wants to improve their health — or maintain the good health they currently enjoy. Anyone who wants to lose weight naturally and effectively without drugs or “miracle diets.” Anyone who wants to boost their energy level, curb their sugar or carbohydrate cravings, or take less medication. In other words, anyone who seriously wants to address their own body’s “dis-ease!”
What conditions can it address?
Here is just a partial list of conditions we address and conquer on a daily basis at Weber Chiropractic: weight control, fatigue, stress and depression, acid reflux, ADHD, allergies, arthritis, asthma, bloating, high blood pressure, candida, high cholesterol, chronic pain, colds and flu, constipation, diarrhea, food sensitivities, headaches and migraines, heart conditions, IBS~IBD, infertility, menopause and PMS, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, skin/hair/nail issues, tremors — and others.
What improvements will I notice on your program?
Plain and simple, you’ll feel better. You will see dramatic changes in your functional illness. However, it must be emphasized that these changes often occur over a period of months — not days.
What will I experience at your clinic?
This empirically proven technique allows us to accurately determine what conditions of stress or deficiency are interfering with your body’s healing process. You will be tested for five common stressors: scars, food sensitivities, immune challenge, chemical challenge, and metal challenge . Next, the priority gland or organ is determined. Finally, nutritional whole-food supplements or herbs are recommended to support your specific needs. This is all done painlessly by the practitioner, applying light pressure with his/her hand on reflexes/acupuncture points associated with a specific organ or gland while simultaneously checking a strong muscle group.
What is an HRV (Heart Rate Variability Test)?
HRV is a fully automatic, noninvasive, computer-based system designed to assess physical fitness and the functional balance of the automatic nervous system (ANS). It is the autonomic nervous system that acupuncture, homeopathy and chiropractic rely on to accomplish changes in bodily function. Clinical tests conducted at Columbia University Medical Center have confirmed this system to be over 95% accurate in its assessment when compared to industry standards. It accurately determines your heart’s ability to respond to daily stress. It also provides a score that reports how healthy you are.
The Weight Loss Program
No single dietary approach fits every person — which is why so many diets fail us. At Weber Chiropractic, clients receive personalized programs with regular follow-up testing and evaluations. Indeed, this is the most critical factor for success — because as your body changes, so does its needs. When your body finds its balance with good nutrition, whole-food supplements, essential minerals, and coenzyme factors, you will experience amazing things! Come and experience the healthy balance and harmony you have dreamed about — especially if you have been discouraged with other approaches.
The Purification Program
If you know you are unhealthy and do not know where to start, try our Purification Program. It is just like cleaning out your garage or your closet — it is so satisfying. Take everything out, throw away the junk, reorganize the good stuff, and make things clean and tidy. The Purification Program is especially important for clients with multiple digestive symptoms, allergies, and food sensitivities.
The Children’s Program
Most people assume that because children are young, they are healthy. This is untrue — and now more than ever. Due to the refined, processed, and adulterated foods we eat, our children are not getting the nutrition they need. How can we provide them with a strong foundation of health with so many nutritional deficiencies present around them? Every child should be on a nutritional program and, just as with our adult clients, our programs are specially designed to address the personalized needs of your child. Childhood “dis-eases” need not be a permanent life sentence, and many are simply nutritional deficiencies. Once addressed, the symptoms may improve dramatically or disappear altogether. Please note that we only accept children as clients if at least one parent is actively on a health improvement program. If both parents are actively on a program, services for children 16 and under qualify for a 40% reduction off the adult rate. Positive reinforcement is key: you cannot expect your child to give up junk food if you don’t!

Nutrition Response Testing FAQ Yakima WA | (509) 965-7155