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Dr. Gene C. Weber

Chiropractor Yakima, Dr. Gene WeberI was twenty years old and having a lot of health problems with my stomach, aches and pains and frequent colds and flu. I thought that this was normal and that everybody had these or similar types of problems. I remember my mom telling me that I was way too young to be on the amount of medications that I was taking. Besides the side effects, I wasn’t any better.

My sister suggested chiropractic to me. I had no idea what a chiropractor was or did, but I was young and curious. I had nothing to lose except maybe my health problems. I made an appointment with a chiropractor and was impressed with his desire to find out what the real problems were in my life that were affecting my health, and his ability to guide me to better health. I stopped taking drugs for my stomach problems that day and have not taken any since.

Over the next few years I had different health issues with my feet, ankles, headaches, back problems….again, the usual stuff. Each time after exhausting the “traditional” form of care, I found myself back in the chiropractor’s office getting the problems handled.

One day my chiropractor asked me if I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and suggested chiropractic college to me. At that point in my life, I decided that I truly enjoyed helping people and made the decision to go back to school.

Chiropractic Education

I attended Yakima Valley College and then transferred to Central University for my undergraduate work. In the fall of 1986 I began my chiropractic education at University of Western States Chiropractic College in Portland Oregon. Over the next four years I was amazed at how much information there was to learn about the body and how it all works together. I thought that we would just learn about chiropractic, but like any health discipline you need to learn all aspects of health from the ground up. I remember all the long hours in the anatomy classes and labs piecing it all together. I knew after all the anatomy and physiology classes that I would never look at health care the same. Understanding how it all works together is so important in knowing how to help. In 2004, I became interested in nutritional healing due to a health concern of my own. I decided to add nutrition to our practice and I received a Master’s in Nutritional Response Testing in August of 2006.

Chiropractor in Yakima helps the sick get well

At Weber Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing our goal is to help sick people get well, and once well, be able to maintain their health. We work to achieve this through chiropractic and nutrition. We work hard to find and educate our patients on the cause of their health problems or dis-ease. What we have found is that when a patient has an understanding of what is causing their health issues, they can make better decisions on how to improve them. This understanding allows a person to take an active role in their health care.

The Personal Side of Dr. Weber

I have been married since 1980 to my beautiful wife Geri who is also my front desk receptionist. We have two children who are in their last years of college and have a 6 year old granddaughter. We are a soccer family and have enjoyed many games and visited many places over the last 25 years. There is nothing better than spending a day at a tournament being surrounded by all of the excitement, enthusiasm, and vitality that sports has to offer.

Chiropractic and nutrition are not only my passion, but also what I practice for myself and family on a daily basis. My children grew up with chiropractic care since birth and have been very blessed with good health. Our children began sports at an early age and I firmly believe that they were able to play sports into their college years without significant injuries due to their regular chiropractic maintenance. I myself receive regular chiropractic adjustments and also maintain a good diet and exercise program 4 to 5 times a week.

“Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Contact our office, or email me using the link below and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.”


Dr. Gene C. Weber | (509) 965-7155