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Personal Injury and Labor and Industries Care at Weber Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing

Man in hard hat holding neckFrom a fall off of a ladder at work to whiplash sustained during a motor vehicle accident, personal injuries require prompt attention. Many people think they can just “wait it out” after an accident with the hopes that in time they’ll get better. That’s never a good idea because your condition will only worsen.

In our office, we’ve seen people who have been in car accidents but forego seeking care. After a few months, they would start to feel better but their body was just compensating for those injuries.

These patients can end up with long-term problems including chronic headaches, shoulder issues and other extremity problems. Back and hip problems may develop from not walking correctly. Some people even develop digestive issues because a compromised nervous system can affect everything.

Injuries & Their Long-Term Effects

At Weber Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing, we see a broad array of injuries that include the following:

  • Cracked ribs
  • Sprains and strains
  • Neck and back pain
  • Extremity pain (shoulders, knees, hips, etc.)
  • Whiplash

After sustaining any type of personal injury, it’s important to be checked by a qualified chiropractor who knows what they’re looking for. Dr. Weber can determine how much damage there is-whether ligament or muscular-following the incident. Most times it’s muscular with tendon and ligament damage. It doesn’t take much of an accident for there to be tendon or ligament damage.

We will have some extensive paperwork for you to complete, which includes your symptoms and your previous history, including any prior health complaints. Please bring the following to your appointment:

  • Accident report
  • Insurance information (either yours or the other party’s)
  • A police report from the accident if you have it

You then will be given a very thorough orthopedic and neurological exam. If you were involved in an auto accident, we will likely take digital X-rays, which we have on-site.

Please allow an hour for the first appointment. If you elect to complete your paperwork in the office, allow up to 90 minutes.

In addition to chiropractic care, we offer laser therapy all of which can help your body heal. We also provide nutrition counseling. Nutrition is essential because you can’t heal a body that is nutritionally deficient.

“We will do everything in our power to improve your health and help you heal. If we don’t think we can help your case I will tell you and find someone who can,” said Dr. Weber.

How long after my accident will I experience symptoms?

Even if you experience a “minor” auto accident such as a low-speed fender bender, you might feel okay initially. Then, the next day you might not be able to move. Sometimes it takes up to a week before you have full-blown symptoms and sometimes even longer.
Do you work with insurance companies and attorneys?

Yes, we do. We can bill the insurance companies directly and typically handle all of the insurance aspects.
Do you take MRIs?

No, if we think you need an MRI, we will refer you out to a hospital to have one taken
Do you offer complimentary consultations?

Yes, if you sustained an injury and aren’t sure what to do just call our office and we would love to help explain things. We can always help guide you and are happy to provide a no-charge consultation to find out if our office is the right fit for you.

Book an Appointment

Contact our Yakima clinic today to schedule an appointment!


Personal Injury Chiropractor Yakima WA | (509) 965-7155